Frequently Asked Questions

What is Codelita®?

Codelita® is a platform for learning how to write computer programs.

You can learn with Codelita from scratch and on any device, including your mobile phone. 🙌

How should I pronounce "Codelita?"

Great Question! 😇 We don't like Code-Lita as two words with a long pause in between! 🥱

We like efficiency. That's why we prefer "Co-Deli-Tah" as a single word! 🚀

What does Codelita® mean?

Code comes from Coding, as you can guess! 😊

Lita came from one of our internal inspirational songs:

Lita by Lita, Everyone a Lita!

Which can be transcribed as: “Little by Little, Everyone [becomes an] Elite!” 🤩

So, the two references are:

  1. Little by Little
    All it takes to travel a long journey is to take many little steps, one at a time. That’s what people who climb Mount Everest do! That's precisely how our Microlearning Nuggets Feature works. 🪜🏔
  2. Everyone Elite
    With proper support and guidelines, anyone with enough perseverance and passion can eventually become an elite in the field. That's what we claim! 🚀

Also, one of our learners recently told us that Codelita is like "Code A Little" to her ears. We like it! 😍 After all, Codelita is coding a little bit every day to become a master. 💪

PS. Lita also means light in some languages. We would gladly take that as well! 🔥

Coding, Really?
I don't think Coding is really for me...

Hold on a second! ✋

Do you really not enjoy building new things and showing them to your friends and family? 🤔

Don't you like having a flexible environment and a flexible schedule to produce everything you want from anywhere you want? 🙄

Don't you like carrying a superpower in your brain, which is also in high demand? 😎

We totally understand that people might have some misconceptions about the programming. People might also have been exposed to the wrong tools or people in the wrong environment. That's why we have created Codelita, to transform how everyone looks at becoming a coder! 🤩

So, as long as you enjoy building, having fun, and learning, let's give it a shot! 🙌

Can I Really Learn How to Code?

We strongly believe so! 🙋

We believe anyone has the potential to learn to code and build software. We are on a mission to nourish this potential as much as possible. 🌟

We believe people sometimes overestimate what it takes to start this pleasant journey. They underestimate the power of passion and hard work. We want to be there to change such a mindset and help anyone enjoy utilizing their own hidden potential. 🎁

You might think all programmers are born to be a programmer! While a few might be, that’s definitely not the case for all. Just like any other skill, if you practice a lot, you can master it.

You don't need to be "gifted" with a talent
or be good at math
to become a programmer. 🧑‍💻

You just need to be passionate, persistent, positive, and have proper support. The last one is on us! 😇

Can someone Really Learn Coding on their Phone?

Great question! 👏

When we first started building Codelita, we had the same question. As a matter of fact, we asked numerous experts, and some straight-up said “No!” Our follow-up question was "Why?" This is what we heard mainly: 🫠

  1. It's hard to type code on a mobile phone. Try typing a <= b on the phone. 😐
  2. It's hard to set up a coding environment. You cannot have multiple windows for switching between the editor, the compiler, and the input/output terminals. 😬
  3. It's hard to stare at the phone for two hours in a row. 😵‍💫
  4. It's hard to share what you build with other people. 😔

So, what did we do? 🙄

Instead of giving up, we passionately and perseveringly tried to make it possible! 😊 We collected all of these inputs and made Codelita the platform that addresses all of these concerns. 😇

Just take a look at our features and see what we have covered! 😍

Why should I give Codelita a shot?

That's a fair point! 👌

We all live in a world full of ads and promises, and life is too short to try everything out! 🙆

We want to invite you to read over a hundred reviews and comments of Codelita on Product Hunt website that we received on our public launch day, which led us to win this prestigious badge with over 800 upvotes! 🤩

Codelita - Anyone can code | Product Hunt
My Journey
How is Codelita different?

We know there are millions of resources out there for learning how to code! Numerous videos, apps, websites, training, boot camps, and programs. We have seen them all and spent years reviewing them. We wouldn’t want to reinvent the wheel—We want to make a real difference. 😊

If becoming skillful and knowledgeable is a destination, learning is a journey! And how you take the journey matters is what keeps you motivated and on track. That’s why we have built Codelita to provide a different learning experience! 😇

How? 🤔

  1. Education should not be one-size-fits-all. That’s what all those videos and pre-defined courses are.
    We have built our Machine-Teaching™, AI engine to learn from you and provide a personalized journey for you. 🫵
  2. Education should not be a one-way street. That happens when you just watch, listen, and read, and then you are left on your own to learn.
    We have built our second AI engine, Mentor-on-the-go™, to always be there for you and provide real-time feedback on your code 24 hours a day! 🤝
  3. Education should be available anytime, anywhere! You might be able to read and watch on your phone, but can you also code on your phone? We have built our virtual keyboard, CodeeBoard™, to make coding on the phone not only possible but also a joyful experience! 🙌

Check our features, see them in action, and join us to give them a shot! ✌️

How much time does it take?

We recommend spending three sessions of 15 to 30 minutes per day on Codelita. ⏰

It’s important that you try to stay committed and do your best to make a conscious habit of engaging with Codelita. 🙋

Additionally, the path you take might be very different than someone else, even with a similar background. That's why a simple "distance, divided by velocity" formula cannot work here! Your path will be dynamically set as you go, based on your performance, to provide what works best for you. 🔥

Where does it take me?

It’s a journey for us, too! Currently, we are focusing on providing enough steps to learn to code. 🪜

Our ultimate goal is to get to the point where people can attend onsite interviews for a real job after going through all the courses of Codelita! 🚀

PS. We give a gorgeous official and verifiable certificate to the learners who complete each course! 🤩

Which Programming Language are you teaching?

Teaching how to code and build, in and of itself, is the core concept we focus on. So, the short answer is Programming! 🚀

Codelita aims to teach "Programming" via logical thinking, problem-solving, attention to detail, working around some obstacles, and genuinely solving and coding hundreds of problems. 🙌

We neither wanted to be too abstract (like the platforms/apps that are based on quizzes, hours of videos, and drag-and-drops) nor too much in the weeds of the syntax of one specific program language. 😑

That being said, to answer your question transparently, the language we have picked to start off with is JavaScript. Not only is JavaScript very popular and flavorful, but we are also actually showcasing that amazing things can be done with it -- more than 95% of around 200,000 lines of code behind Codelita are written in TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript. 🤓

So, it's the languages that allow anyone to build magic, and becoming a magician is exactly what we are targeting to provide as a one-of-a-kind experience to our users! 🦸

We evaluated several programming languages and talked to many experts, and we found that JavaScript is the most popular language that fits best to start up with at Codelita. 🤩

You can read more about Why Javascript on our Why page.

Joining Codelita
Can I join Now?

Currently, Codelita is in the “beta” phase. We are testing our systems to ensure we provide a delicious experience to the public. You can join our Waitlist, and we will do our best to have you on our platform soon.

Update (October 2023):

Yes! 🥳

The wait is over! We had our public launch on October 6, 2023, and immediately had thousands of future coders joining Codelita. 🫶

They also gave us over 800 upvotes on Product Hunt > Codelita, and made us win this prestigious badge! 🥰

Codelita - Anyone can code | Product Hunt

So, without any further ado, please: 👇

Is Codelita Free?

Joining Codelita and starting learning is free! 🙌

The first few chapters are Codelita (which take 2 to 5 hours on average and tens of codes to write to complete) are also available for free. 🚀

That should help you see for yourself that Codelita can really help you learn how to code! 🤩

Can I deactivate my account?

Yes. 🥺 You can deactivate your account at any time by going to Settings > Account > Deactive.

Note that deactivation is not going to pause any subscription you might have with Codelita.

Can I delete my account?

Yes. 🥺 You can delete your account at any time by going to Settings > Account > Delete Account.

Note that account deletion is not going to cancel any subscription you might have with Codelita. You need to cancel them manually.

Codelita Pro
What is Codelita Pro?

Codelita Pro is our subscription service that offers unlimited access to all our lessons and challenges and much more. (e.g., Official Certificate, Priority Support, etc.) 🔥

You can explore the benefits on Codelita Pro page. 🙌

Can I cancel my subscription? How?


The cancellation flow varies based on the platform that you purchased Codelita Pro.

I cannot afford Codelita Pro...

If you are interested in Codelita Pro but you genuinenly cannot afford it or you are unable to pay for it right now, you can apply for a Codelita Scholarship, and we will do our best to make it work for you. 🙌

What is your refund policy?

The first few chapters of Codelita are available for free. Additionally, some of our plans come with a trial. They should help you make sure Codelita is working for you before you commit to purchasing Codelita Pro.

That's why we don't offer any refund on the purchases made to Codelita.

Do you offer a free trial?
Yes, our Annual plan comes with a trial. 👍
Do you offer company/group/classroom discounts?

Yes, we do!

Please contact us and tell us about your group and your plan. We will be happy to work with you to get there! 🙌

Other Questions
I think I have found a bug. What can I do?

Thank you in advance for helping Codelita get more mature! 😍

Please let us know by contacting us, and providing as many details as you can. 🙏

Do you have a Bug Bounty program? I found a security issue.

Thank you for being so thorough and supportive of us! 🙏

Since we are still a self-funded start-up company, we don't have a fixed budget for Bug Bounties. However, we encourage (and ask) you to report the issue to (also stated in our security.txt file.) and provide as many details as possible. 🤓

We will then examine the reported bug and will do our best to provide a recognition that you deserve and we can afford!

PS. You will also put the names of people who genuinely help us, on the Codelita Thanks page! 🎖

I like Codelita! How can I help Codelita?

Thank you. That means a lot to us! 😍

Here are some ideas: 😊

  1. During the beta phase, you will be able to provide us with direct feedback via the in-app messaging service. We would love to know how the journey is going for you! 🙏
  2. You can invite your friends to Codelita and share the fun! To invite them, hit the “Invite Friends” item from the menu in the top right corner of the page. 🫶
  3. Follow us on social media! You can find us by @theCodelita on most social media platforms and share your experience with Codelita! 👍

PS. We have yet to set a budget for hiring. However, if you are really excited about joining Codelita Team, please shoot us an email to with your résumé and your portfolio! 🙌

Can I offer a Codelita scholarship/sponsorship?

Yes, and we would be happy to make that happen! 😍

An example would be having a fund for people of your community/background to help them learn coding.

Please write to us about the number of learners you want to sponsor as well as any details that can help us. We love to be a part of any mission that empowers people! 🙌

More Help
I am stuck on a coding problem, what should I do?

We plan on having Codelita be a self-serving platform, and our AI engines (e.g., Mentor-on-the-go™) are there to guide you! 🤓

However, we understand that our AI engines still have a long journey to become perfect (they are learning, too!), and sometimes it's very frustrating to bang your head on a problem for hours and hours... 🫠

Therefore, if you have done your best and still can't unblock yourself, you can contact us with your username (from Settings > Account, it ends with four digits) the name of the problem you are stuck on. We will do our best to be there for you. 🙌

I have another question...

We are happy to hear that and help! Please contact us.

      --Codelita Team! 😍